Monthly Archives: April 2014

Avoiding The Sophomore Slump with Leah Hainline


Meet Leah Hainline:

Social Media Maven, Master Facial Expressionist, Hip Swiveling Extraordinaire, and Expert in the art of all-nighters. She’s hilarious, super involved on campus, and almost as sassy as I am 😉 She is not only one of my good friends, but an amazing example of a perfectly imperfect college girl making the most of her experience! I got the chance to sit down with her and chat about how she’s keeping it all together during her sophomore year.


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The Story of Your Morning Commute As Told in GIFs

Do you have an internship while still balancing a full school schedule? Not fortunate enough to roll out of bed and walk to class from your dorm room in 5 minutes? You are not alone. Many of us are less than thrilled to be joining the masses on public transportation. The struggle to make it to your destination unscathed and with all of your sanity is SO real…

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