The Most Important Advice You’ll EVER Need for College.

Graduation is quickly approaching. Although you are “so over” high school, you tear up at the thought of your best friends going to college all over the country. At the same time, you can’t wait to stock up on every dorm accessory known to man and color coordinate with your new roomie. You’ve researched a bunch of college websites, stalked all of your older college friends, and watched every college movie just to get a glimpse of what it’s actually like. Before you have a panic attack, calm down and read these tips to ensure that your college experience is smooth sailing (for the most part!).



1.Be Social.

Once class is over, do not run to your dorm room to continue your Netflix marathon! We are all a little bit awkward sometimes, and as weird as it feels introducing yourself to a random stranger, he or she may just be a lifelong friend! Especially as freshmen, people are always looking for new friends to get meals, study together, or watch cheesy reality shows like The Bachelor. Once you’ve established your friend group, branch out even more! Join a club, write for the newspaper, or play an intramural sport, whatever interests you! It’s great to have friends from different circles so when you get sick of one group, you have plenty of other personalities to keep yourself occupied with.




2. Don’t Repeat High School All Over Again.

Sure, looking at prom pictures and laughing at inside jokes with your friends from home is totally a fun time, but don’t rely too heavily on your high school memories. College is the perfect opportunity to start fresh and create new memories with new people. In college, people could care less about what you got on your SATs or how many AP classes you took, so leave it in the past! As important as it is to keep in touch with your pals from home, give them space to have their own experiences too! It’ll be a blast comparing college stories during Christmas break.




3. Have Realistic Expectations.

College is definitely not like the movies.  To quote Mean Girls, don’t expect to “have an awesome time, drink awesome shooters, listen to awesome music, and sit around and soak up each others awesomeness” every weekend, because it won’t happen! Sure, there will be plenty of opportunities for parties and social events, but other times you will be completely bored, stressed, or too tired to move from your bed. Make the most of your experience, but still cherish the Friday nights when you ordered takeout and watched a rom-com with your floormates.



4. Go To Class!

Seriously. You are most likely investing a TON of money into your college education, so why put it to waste?  General education requirements may be as exciting as watching paint dry, but you might pick up a random tidbit about Ancient Greece that you never knew before, or be able to flirt with your hot lab partner. There will be professors who are off their rocker, unfair, and/or arrogant, yet there will be even more who are inspiring, intelligent, and genuinely concerned about your education. Plus, showing up to class consistently will most likely boost your grades and help you figure out what the heck you want to do with the rest of your life.


5. Don’t Transfer Unless You’re Absolutely Sure

It’s been an entire semester and you’re completely homesick, miserable, and ready to get out of your new school. Before you rush to fill out a transfer application, really examine what’s bothering you. If your social life is lacking, stop being a loner and do something about it! Finding your niche on campus in a club or organization will definitely help you find your home there. Unhappy with the academics? Maybe you’re taking all the wrong classes. Go to a major exploration fair or talk to a professor. If eventually you’ve done everything you could to make it work and are still unhappy, go ahead and find a new school. In the end, do what’s best for you!




6. Make Amazing Memories

The next four years will fly by SO quickly. Instragram everything, appreciate the lazy days hanging out on the lawn with your friends, and soak up all that college has to offer you! Take risks, step outside of your comfort zone, and be the best YOU that you possibly can. Land your dream internship, study abroad in Europe, or become the next student body president! The possibilities are endless. At graduation, look back on your four years knowing that you’ve grown and accomplished so much. Although it’s cliché, college is truly what you make of it.  I suggest you make it one hell of a great time, because what comes next is that scary, unavoidable thing called the real world.

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2 thoughts on “The Most Important Advice You’ll EVER Need for College.

  1. Jennifer M says:

    Number 1 and 6 are so me and my crew! Love my family at school.

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