How to Say Goodbye To Your Person


As everyone was breaking out the tissues to say farewell to Cristina Yang on Grey’s Anatomy, I couldn’t help but feel like the season finale hit too close to home. No, my best friend is not moving to work at a hospital in Switzerland, but many of my friends are graduating next week and moving to places across the country. It’s exciting, nerve-wracking, depressing, and strange, and I’m not even the one leaving. Whether you’re in the same predicament as me or you’re the one saying goodbye to your best friend, (HOW DARE YOU?) here’s some tips on how to make it a little less painful.

Dance It Out










Cristina and Meredith put aside their busy schedules at the hospital for just a few minutes to act silly and  “dance it out” with each other. You don’t necessarily have to dance (unless you want to), but before you go, do something with your best friend that sums up your relationship. Whether it’s pigging out and watching marathons of your favorite show, taking all the quizzes on Buzzfeed, or just gossiping with each other about stupid stuff, it’s the little things that you’ll remember most. However, having an awesome going away party wouldn’t be so bad either…


Stay In Touch











This sounds obvious but it’s easier said than done. Just because this isn’t a romantic relationship doesn’t mean you don’t have to work at it. Whether you’re starting college or are graduating and entering the real world, your lives are going to change in a major way. Before you get too caught up with your new friends and responsibilities, don’t forget to give some time for your person. Texting is great, but phone calls and Facetime sessions are necessary too! You may be on opposite ends of the country or even the world, but if you both put in an equal effort, you’ll be able to pick right up where you left off.


Let Her Go

There, I said it. You can joke that your best friend is going to fail her finals and stay behind another year, or is going to transfer to the college at home instead of her dream school on the opposite coast, but in the end, you can’t fight fate. The day that she’ll have to leave is going to come eventually, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. After you’ve said your tearful goodbyes, be happy! Sure, you’ve been in the same routine of seeing each other every day for the past few years, but you’re moving on to new adventures, and it’s a part of growing up. Just because you’ll be experiencing new things apart doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate your new paths in life together.

After all, it’s never a goodbye, it’s just a see you later.

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One thought on “How to Say Goodbye To Your Person

  1. Jennifer M says:

    I am gonna miss my sistuhs

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