

Rosalie Fazio, aka “Sassy Ro” is the founder and writer of Sass Is in Session. She is a junior at a small liberal arts college in New York City. As an Arts Administration major and Marketing minor, she has had five internships under her belt, and will one day work her way up the corporate ladder and have interns of her own. At school, she is a member of a sorority and a handful of other cool clubs. (She’s all about building her resume.)

As an obsessive researcher and expert over analyzer, Rosalie needs to have every single detail about her life planned out. Choosing a college was no exception. She compared, contrasted and inquired throughout the entire process, and as a current student, she is still on the hunt for new information to enhance her experience. Yet every preconceived notion she had about college was wrong, and all the plans she made somehow changed their course.

Now that she’s grown in age and possibly wisdom (you can be the judge of that) she wants to share her knowledge with girls like her, in a “tell it like it is” big sister kind of way. She wants girls to expected the unexpected, yet be armed with the right tools to make this the best four years of their lives.
In her spare time, you can catch Rosalie dishing out a healthy dose of sarcastic remarks (friendly ones of course!). She is also in training for a “Social Media Stalking” certification, which she will soon be charging for at an hourly rate. On her lazier days, she is busy binge-watching everything on the TLC Network,reading a novel on her trusty Kindle, or trying to reach the next level in Candy Crush.

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